Edgecast Podcast
Edgecast Podcast
Radically Alive Women
Coming closer

An invitation for you to come closer, so that your aliveness can become what it is meant to be: a force of nature, for life on this planet.

Listen to this short introduction of the next phase of Radically Alive Women’s Edgecast: Introducing a membership with more material to support your becoming radically alive, including “Diving Deeper”, Distinctions, and Exercises.

Diving Deeper brings you deeper explorations of specific topics. I noticed how certain aspects of the episodes we’ve already had are so rich and worth of closer examination and exploration that I wanted to make space for that.
These episodes are also a start for members to come aboard, receive these deeper dives and other content, and contribute financially so that the Edgecast can fly and be a rain of consciousness for Women across the globe.

Welcome to the Team of Women taking a stand for life on planet Earth!

Julia Neumann

I am a pioneer exploring the edges of current realities, venturing into unknown territories to collaboratively co-create a regenerative culture in service of life. The best way I know how is to empower you to bring forth your unique gifts and dreams.

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