I am an Author, Edgecaster, Group Facilitator, Coach, and Speaker. My passion is to bring forth the Feminine in the world, as a necessity to protect and enable life on this planet. To date, this means I work mainly with Women, the natural expressions of the Feminine. I have a wealth of experience in the corporate world and in the wide open free fall of transitioning beyond that. I bring my unique set of skills, tools and practical experience to walk alongside women to birth new levels of aliveness through them. When Women stand in their innate feminine-informed power, a new culture emerges through them – in their families, their workplaces, their communities, their friendships. It starts close in and the ripple effects are limitless. Discover how my unique skills can support that which wants to come to life through you. Book a time |
I weave the Web of Evolution as a multidimensional door to universal consciousness.
In 2022, I co-originated the Radically Alive Women gameworld together with Sybille Biedert, and in 2023, I originated Radically Alive Women Edgecast.
Becoming radically alive as a human Being, owning the specialty of inhabiting a female body, and supporting others to be radically alive is at the core of my work.
Before I found that out, I did everything I could to “fit in” and be successful in the modern culture kind of way. And I was. Until January 2017, I worked as a corporate lawyer. I had spent decades learning the ways of law, writing a PhD on outer space law (yes, it exists!), advising clients in financial regulatory law at a major US law firm, then joining a large German stock corporation and focusing on aviation law, where I became involved in the handling of the Germanwings aircraft crash of March 2015. I was working on “important” stuff.
I continued corporate work after I came to New Zealand, as a Safety Management System Manager in the aviation industry. Meanwhile, I shifted to being an Advocate for Life, and left the corporate world in March 2019. I spent the next few years focusing on transformatory processes with Possibility Management, continuing my personal journey that I had begun in that context in 2016, now developing my spaceholding skills. I also created a pottery business for my hands-on creativity, which I ran until March 2022.
My passion is to empower Women to become radically alive and grow out of modern culture to inhabit and take a stand for the next culture with their innate feminine wisdom that is all about birthing life.
I had a pivotal moment in my legal career when I realized that I wasn’t the problem – the whole system was the problem. What to do then? There is a choice to make:
1) Either withdraw, convince yourself you are wrong, worthless, and just not fit for this world (and then do everything to fit in, to not feel that pain). In that case, you make yourself powerless in the world.
2) Or you can own the fact that what’s on offer, the system, does not work for you, and develop the skills necessary to create a different culture. In that case, you empower yourself.
Having tried the first option for long enough, I chose and continue to choose the latter. I co-create next culture with a global team of Edgeworkers.
We need empowered and alive human Beings to create radically new systems that are anchored in totally different points of origin. For life to stand a chance, Women need to speak up from the depth of their wombs. A rising tide of women lifts the whole world.
My own journey has been and continues to be about uncovering that for myself. With the weekly Radically Alive Women Edgecast, I make my own research and that of other Radically Alive Women accessible to the world. Besides that, I continue to work with Women in individual coachings, as well as group spaces offline and online.
“I want you to thrive in this lifetime, in a regenerative way so that our planet stands a chance. We all need to wake up and get active to have a future.”
Julia Neumann
Clarity. Connectedness. Presence. Gaia.

Hear more from and about me in these interviews: