Diving deeper with Annika Korsten.
In this episode Annika Korsten takes us on a deeper exploration of the topics women’s sexuality and conscious anger. It is a follow up from the episode with Annika on “Women’s Anger and Sexuality“.
This episode looks at 3 aspects of sexuality:
* Different kinds of intimacy
* Sexual intimacy and Sex
* How to create the intimacy you want.
This episode is a rich and wide exploration of the vast possibilities of intimacy, including sexual intimacy, with your partner way beyond what modern culture offers in movies or porn.
Annika shares her experience from her personal exploration and from the perspective of a spaceholder for women’s anger and sexual healing on an emotional level, coming to speak also of the elements of the physical body and creative ways of engaging with them as an information source. Did you ever consider that you could communicate with your vagina?
Many young women lack a role model as they embark on their exploration of sexuality: a woman role models who would empower them to honour their own body and experience, and to make it so clear that a man (one worth exploring with) could cherish that also. No matter which age you are now, you may have missed out on that. Annika builds a bridge for such an empowerment of women.
She also mentions a variety of healing modalities that will support you in creating the spaciousness to take your next steps. One modality mentioned in this episode are emotional healing processes around the topics of sexuality and relating, which you can go through regardless of whether you are in a relationship or not. You can contact Annika Korsten or Julia Neumann as spaceholders for that, or find other spaceholders here: https://possibilitycoaching.mystrikingly.com
Men’s role in spaceholding for a woman’s experience is also briefly touched upon.
The episode closes with practical tips for being present, staying present, and learning to say Stop in sexual intimacy, as well as with a hands-on experiment for you (pun intended).