I learned how powerful, wise and clear my anger is and how it is a spaceholder for my other feelings, and that it is mine.

I used to think of anger as something shameful, ugly, too much, and so I tried to avoid it and thought it was something very private. Through Women’s Rage Club, I learned how powerful, wise and clear my anger is and how it is a spaceholder for my other feelings, and that it is mine.

Julia held the training with compassion, curiosity, playfulness, and attention. I experienced her spaceholding as safe and magnetic with clear boundaries and in digestible, bite-sized chunks. Now I can say hello to my anger and all the other feelings and welcome their wisdom. They all have a place in me.

Julia Neumann

I am a pioneer exploring the edges of current realities, venturing into unknown territories to collaboratively co-create a regenerative culture in service of life. The best way I know how is to empower you to bring forth your unique gifts and dreams.

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